Monday, September 28, 2009

HCG Diet

Today is Monday, September 28th and I'm totally loving life! Okay it sucks that I don't get to enjoy the foods I normally do but because I've been sticking to this strict diet, I've been able to lose a total of 23 lbs so far since September 3rd! My mom found a recipe for homemade Chili which we made with Veal. It is very yummy and I'll be having the left overs for lunch today.

So we will be doing this very low calorie diet for 2 more weeks and then we will start to add more foods. I'm excited for the fruits and veggies I'll be able to snack on! The calorie count will go from roughly 500 to 1500 so I'll be eating about 6 times a day. 3 meals and 3 snacks. Thankfully milk is allowed on the 1500 calorie diet so I'll be able to have my daily calcium instead of having to take horse size pills. I'm so happy that I've been able to find a diet that has worked for me. I would reccommend this diet to anyone that has the will power and the support because believe me, it's a tough diet to stick to. But as long as you stick to it and keep your goal in sight, you'll be able to succeed.

One last note, my mom has to switch to the shots which are stronger than the drops I've been taking and she's started to lose weight again. She hadn't lost weight for probably a week then went to the shots and now she's losing weight. I'm so glad to have her doing this diet with me. I'm sure I would have given up a long time ago if she wasn't supporting me through this. I also want to thank everyone that has been so supportive and given me words of encouragment. It means more to me than you know! I'll update you again later. :)


  1. Wow! I think that is awesome! I have heard a lot of things about the HCG diet. How long are you doing it for?

  2. Gosh, I'm so happy for you, Marissa! You're changing your life and that's so admirable!! Keep it up!

  3. Hey Merissa, my parents and brother did this diet last year. The only thing different I can see from reading your posts it they went with the shot options and they couldn't eat turkey for some reason. They lost a lot of weight, it was cool. I would love to lose weight but I hesitate to do this diet because I hate vegetables and fish and salad and I don't think that would leave too much left. =) I think it's great you are doing this. Good job!
